Pastoral Search

Covenant Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a pastor for our congregation. The congregation has elected a Pastoral Search Committee, and they are going through the process of evaluating and interviewing potential candidates. Our ministry at Covenant Presbyterian is two-fold: discipling God’s people and reaching out to our neighbors. We seek to disciple God’s people through liturgical, corporate worship with weekly communion, expositional preaching of God’s Word, and nurturing the life of faith in our people. This commitment extends beyond our church walls as we seek to relate to one another as fellow members in the house of God and reach out to our neighbors and others in our community through the various works of service and mission.

As we look for a Senior Pastor, we are seeking someone who is committed to preaching the “whole counsel of God,” explaining God’s Word in a manner that upholds God’s glory and Christ’s redemptive work, while also connecting with the congregation. We are interested in a candidate who can lead our church by equipping staff, officers, and laity to effectively serve by emphasizing the relational side of ministry in both administration and shepherding as a pastor who will strive to know and lead us.


Our form of church government is Presbyterian, which means our church is governed by elders. (Presbyterian come from the Greek word meaning “elder”.) An elder is a biblically qualified man who has been nominated, trained, examined, elected, and ordained to oversee the spiritual affairs of the church. He is a spiritual shepherd of the congregation. The Bible gives specific qualifications for those who fill this office (1 Timothy 3:1-7).

The following men are currently serving as elders at Covenant:

  • Steve Vos (clerk)
  • Keith Posey
  • Sam Chhim
  • Rod Staton
  • Jeff Stockwell

Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Acts 20:28


Deacon comes from the Greek word for “servant.” A deacon is a biblically qualified man who has been nominated, trained, examined, elected, and ordained to lead the congregation in works of service and mercy. The Bible also gives specific qualifications for those who fill this office (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

The following men are currently serving as deacons at Covenant:

  • Bob Reed
  • Brad Davis
  • Tom Vos
  • Dave Pinson

And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful.

Titus 3:14