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3720 N Highland Ave.
Jackson, TN 38305
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Service Times

Morning Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Evening Worship - 5:00 p.m. ( Evening service is temporarily suspended.)
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This Spring we are learning how to understand Old Covenant songs (Book of Psalms) through New Covenant eyes. How can we as Christians sing about offering sacrifices, going to Jerusalem, and cursing the enemies of Israel? Join us Sunday mornings following the worship service in a class that will help open up all of the […]


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“A Life of Faith”

CPC Blog


There are many ladders, rising from a woods that likely provided the branches for their construction. Each is rickety, rough-hewn, and does not inspire confidence that it would sustain the weight of the human being who was its craftsman. While the ladders stretch toward the stars, even the tallest barely reaches above the trees. That […]


  Once again, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and our minds are filled with images of pilgrims and pumpkin pie. All across our nation it is a time of family gatherings, feasting, and football. Such celebration can be good and godly, but it can best be these things if we remember the holiday’s origins […]


Pastor Michael Philliber is pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Oklahoma City, OK. After spending 20 years in the USAF.